Archive for 'Youth Ball'

A Complete Hitter in 3 Steps
Posted on 06. Oct, 2010 by bricf13.
Yes, I have them. I’ve finally just dumbed it all down for those of you that have been asking…and got a little artistic…(hey, I was bored and I miss art class) and decided to draw out the “nuts and bolts” of hitting. These are the 3 things I learned to flat out dominate day in […]
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Why I Hate the Linear vs. Rotational Argument
Posted on 06. Oct, 2010 by bricf13.
I understand there is validity to these approaches…but the truth is…you don’t need to, and shouldn’t label yourself as “rotational” or “linear.” Getting caught up in these terms is probably the worst thing you can do for yourself, because you’ll just end up confused. I didn’t hit .450+ in college by blindly obeying one of […]
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How To Crush The Curveball
Posted on 13. Aug, 2010 by bricf13.
Crushing the Curveball This week I want to discuss exactly what pitchers are trying to do with the breaking ball when they are attacking hitters. I believe that if you as a hitter understand how the pitcher is trying to go after you with the breaking ball, you will be better prepared to hit it […]
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Why Size Doesn’t Matter in Baseball
Posted on 24. Jul, 2010 by bricf13.
What would it be like to have the Ultimate Mental game? How would your approach change at the plate? In the field? On the base-paths? What you’re imagining right now, that confidence, that security, that assurance in your own performance, is absolutely attainable. It just takes practice. It takes discipline. And it takes a mentor […]