Archive for 'Hitting Mechanics'

How I Solved My Top 5 Hitting Mistakes
Posted on 08. Feb, 2013 by bricf13.
Throughout my high school and college career at the plate, I noticed I would always be frustrated with the same things over and over. My Top 5 Hitting Frustrations Hitting for More Power Keeping My Mechanics Consistant Staying Balance at the Plate Hitting Off-Speed Pitches Keeping My Hands Inside the Ball (Hitting the ball where […]
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Why I Hate the Linear vs. Rotational Argument
Posted on 06. Oct, 2010 by bricf13.
I understand there is validity to these approaches…but the truth is…you don’t need to, and shouldn’t label yourself as “rotational” or “linear.” Getting caught up in these terms is probably the worst thing you can do for yourself, because you’ll just end up confused. I didn’t hit .450+ in college by blindly obeying one of […]
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Do Pujols and McGwire Agree About Hitting?
Posted on 06. Oct, 2010 by bricf13.
Key Points in the Video Pujols changes his approach later in the season McGwire points out the key to knee position during your swing (we hit this is lesson 3 of the Academy) Pujols changes his approach with 2 strikes tremendously Pujols key to hitting the outside pitch = letting the ball get deep Even […]
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How To Crush The Curveball
Posted on 13. Aug, 2010 by bricf13.
Crushing the Curveball This week I want to discuss exactly what pitchers are trying to do with the breaking ball when they are attacking hitters. I believe that if you as a hitter understand how the pitcher is trying to go after you with the breaking ball, you will be better prepared to hit it […]
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Josh Hamilton’s Secret to Weight Transfer
Posted on 28. Jul, 2010 by bricf13.
The “Weight Transfer” Why do we call it the silent killer? Because for the most part, it’s a tough thing to observe during game situations because it happens so quickly in a baseball swing. The only visual ques we get are at the very beginning and the very end of our swing, which makes it […]
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2 Things Pujols Does to Hit the Outside Pitch
Posted on 24. Jul, 2010 by bricf13.
The best way to learn is to ask the best. And the best at hitting the outside pitch with authority is Albert Pujols. I stumbled across this video a few days ago and it gives some awesome insight from Pujols’ himself into how he attacks the outside part of the plate. A few days ago […]