A Complete Hitter in 3 Steps
Posted on 06. Oct, 2010 by bricf13 in Fundamentals, Tools, Youth Ball
Yes, I have them. I’ve finally just dumbed it all down for those of you that have been asking…and got a little artistic…(hey, I was bored and I miss art class) and decided to draw out the “nuts and bolts” of hitting.
These are the 3 things I learned to flat out dominate day in and day out…whether I was hitting well or not. I stuck with it…stayed dedicated…and fought my way through, making sure to touch on each piece of the game each day.
These “Mind Maps” really sum up what I was able to do…and it paid off in ways I never really expected.
If you’re serious about really taking your hitting knowledge to a whole other level, you might want to watch this free video where I go over my 10 Step Hitting System.