How I Solved My Top 5 Hitting Mistakes
Posted on 08. Feb, 2013 by bricf13 in Fundamentals, Hitting Mechanics, Tools
Throughout my high school and college career at the plate, I noticed I would always be frustrated with the same things over and over.
My Top 5 Hitting Frustrations
- Hitting for More Power
- Keeping My Mechanics Consistant
- Staying Balance at the Plate
- Hitting Off-Speed Pitches
- Keeping My Hands Inside the Ball (Hitting the ball where it’s pitched)
This is exactly why I created this brand new report: “The Hitting Frustration Report – How to Overcome the Top 5 Hitting Flaws at the Plate”
You can download the report here: http://www.instanthittingdrills.com/free-report.pdf
Check it out, read each section and let me know what you think. I struggled with these for a long time until I figured out how to fix them in my own swing. It’s wasn’t until I started studying the great hitters like Ted Williams and Albert Pujols that I started to really understand the mechanics behind a great swing.
Studying the art of hitting was what allowed me to take a nearly wasted college career, and turn it into a storybook ending to my baseball career. 1st Team Rawlings All-American. An NCAA Tournament Appearance. Conference Player of the Year. And an offer to play semi-professional baseball after graduation.
Become an “Elite” Hitter
If you’re looking to become an elite hitter at any level, the bottom line is, you need to be on the inside. So many hitters are being taught bad mechanics, bad drills, and bad habits. That’s exactly why I released my personal arsenal of hitting drills that I used to become an NCAA All-American, and lead the nation in multiple power-hitting categories.
This new program is called Instant Hitting Drills, and it guarantees and improvement in every stat you’re struggling with at the plate. Try it today 100% risk free.
Comment Below!
What are your most common hitting frustrations? Let me know in the comments below.
11. Sep, 2010
What’s your biggest hitting frustration?